Dr. Glen Schunk, Evangelist
Dr. Schunk was a local church evangelist who came often to my home church during my young teenage years. His passionate, straightforward preaching, extensive use of Scripture, and bold public invitations helped to shape my preaching ministry. His love for God, the Bible and souls was infectious! He would quote dozens of sermons in every sermon. I remember not being able to write down the references fast enough to keep up with him!
I have not hear his voice in person since 1977, but the truths he preached in my presence still ring in my soul. Without a doubt, Dr. Schunk was one of the most influential preachers in my life and shaped my approach to preaching.
Glen H Schunk was born in Scales Mound, Illinois, on February 3, 1918 into a German-Irish Catholic family. Glen met an honor student from his local school in Freeport, Illinois, on a blind date, Irma Hartwig. After two years of courtship, they married August 29, 1938, in Dubuque, Iowa. Irma was converted at the age of thirteen. When Glen enthusiastically came to his new-found faith, his personal witness led some family members to the Lord.
America’s involvement in World War II saw Glen being drafted into the army. Being on the front lines, often in foxholes, with bullets flying overhead, he would take out his New Testament for consolation. During those experiences Glen won many fellow soldiers to Christ. Glen was wounded in action and sent to a military hospital in Naples, Italy and placed in a ward with 1,000 men. There the Lord moved in Glen’s heart as he saw the spiritual need of the men and concluded that God wanted him to preach. As a result of his converts there, over 400 men were in attendance at the Bible study classes. Many of those men went into the ministry. Glen and Irma Schunk traveled together for twenty-two years, and in nearly 900 revival meetings, it is estimated that they witnessed the salvation of over 60,000 people. On June 6, 1978 the Lord called his servant home. An amazing number of preachers attended his funeral in South Bend, Indiana, with the auditorium filled with those who wished to pay respects to a man who had faithfully proclaimed the Gospel of Christ.
Dr. Schunk’s most famous sermon was “The Halls of Hell.” I heard the message as a young boy, and again when I was a teenager, soon after I surrendered to preach. His Biblical approach, and passionate appeal for sinners to come to Jesus will stir your heart. I remember hearing the message the second time and wanted to “get saved all over again, just to make sure!” (Note: I apologize for the poor audio quality. This copy came from an LP record. I am searching for a more clear copy and will upload it when I have found it.)
Sermons Preached at SoulWinning Conference at Bob Jones University in November 1972
These are not “lectures” given by a professor, rather they are powerful messages delivered by a local church evangelist who was in revival meetings every week. His life was bringing people to Jesus Christ and challenging Christians to be active soulwinners.